Shot Blasting

Shotblast CBS from around oil filled tanks

EHV Ducting

Excavation, ducting, backfilling. EHV cable installations

Cable Pulling

Cable Pulling, Installation, EHV Fault Location

33KV Shot Blasting

Shotblasting CBS to expose damaged cables

Deep Drainage

Deep Drainage Services, designed to assist in development of any project

Shot Blasting

Our workforce are highly skilled professionals

Service Access Pathways

Specialists in construction of Pathways, high quality materials, low maintenance


Installation of 800m of kerbs at Deeside Substation

33km Cable Pulling

Installing part of 33km route of fibre subduct

Drainage Services

O'Rourke Construction are specialists in all types of drainage work


Reinstatement of footpath after cable work in busy town centre

Shot Blasting

33kv shot blasting in Shipley exposing damaged cables